Elijah Agunbiade


View the Project on GitHub ElijahAgunbiade/Portfolio

Aspiring Data Analyst

Transitioning from a career in Inventory Management and seeking a full-time role in the field of data analytics. Took a company from mass ordering and little sale with around 35% overstocking to an efficient supply position for all stocks in demand through Inventory analysis, leading to about 50% reduction in overstocking.

Technical Skills: Python, SQL, Tableau, Spreadsheet, Statistics, Machine Learning, and Modeling


Factors impacting Employee Retention Rate Discovery with Random Forest Learning Model


Developed a machine learning model to identify qualities of employees who are most likely to leave the company using Python. This data-driven approach led to better understanding of why employees are leaving the company at such a rate and what factors to consider in order to prevent it. The proposed method provides a learning model with the ability to detect employees in the company with good potential of leaving the company with an 86% F1 score, while also providing insights on how to prevent such a situation in the first place.

Random forest importance

Analyzing qualities that makes good Taxi tippers with XGB Classifier


Used Python to create a classifier that identifies if a customer would be a good tipper for a Taxi Cab driver. Analyzing distance, cost of fares, and amount of passengers, we found the biggest impact on tipping was the distance and cost of fare dollar for dollar. Creating a machine learning model for predicting which customers will leave good tips, then creating an algorithm allows us to provide Taxi drivers with an extra tool to maximize their revenue on the road.


Work Experience

Inventory Management and Data Entry / Woodson Lumber (December 2023 - Present)

Fiber Sales Agent / MetroNet (December 2021 - December 2023)
